An Antidote to loneliness

The Every Dad Project Community is a place where dad connect, learn, and grow.

About the Every dad Project Communty

We may not need to tell you this, but the content you see on your social media profiles is controlled by a company that serves up what they want you to see. Time spent on social media is often times unproductive, unhelpful and leaves us feeling more isolated.

Our desire is to build the exact opposite experience.

Engaging with the Every Dad Project Community is time well spent. We want to see you grow into a self-aware and healthy father, give you space and grace to process the many things on your mind, and help you discover a sense of belonging by interacting with other like-valued men. 

5 Features of the Every Dad Project Community

Real Dads

Trust is the foundation of authenticity and vulnerability. Every profile is made by a real dad (no anonymous or alias accounts). We want the words shared to have a real name and face attached to them.

Shared Values

It's no secret that our society has become a bit divided. We have been conditioned to define other people by our differences. But this community is defined by what we are for: Becoming better dads and leaving the world better than we found it. You can read more about Every Dad Project Values here.

Advice from experience

We believe in the power of collective wisdom and shared experience. So while our dads have a range of experience, there are no 'experts' telling anyone 'the right way' to be a dad. 

Online and available

There's no replacement for face to face friendship, but that doesn't mean online community isn't effective or can't be meaningful.

The advantages of online community are that we have connection whenever and wherever we need it. 

Courses by real dads

In the months to come, we will be opening up online courses for purchase through the community platform. These courses will be created by a variety of dads, based on experience, and cover a large variety of topics.

Do you have a course brewing inside of you that would like to share through Every Dad Project? Contact us to learn more

Join the Every Dad Project Community today!

The Every Dad Community is about learning from the triumphs, failures, fears, and questions in our free online community.

Share your information below to receive your invite link to join today! 


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