Every Dad Project Values

Every Dad Project is a community of fathers who want to leave this world better than we found it. Our shared values are the backbone of our unity and strength.

Value 1: Lessons are everywhere

Your experience as both a father and a son can teach other dads something about their own journey. Most of us have never lived among a tribe of men (especially in the literal sense). Therefore, we often feel like we're blazing our trail and our arms are tired from swinging the machete alone. Our collective experiences are like pathways through the jungle that ease the journey as we listen and learn from others who have wisdom to share.

Value 2: Authenticity is where the magic happens

We believe that authenticity is the cure to the shame we live with. Failure and pain are incredibly effective teachers when we learn from them. We find healing (and accountability) when we share our failures with others. When we share our experiences with others we invite them to learn from us and peel off the masks that keep us all stuck and lonely. Judgementalism is to authenticity as kryptonite is to Superman. We reject the judgemental thoughts, words, and actions when others show up in authenticity.

Value 3: It's never too late to change

Whether you just found out you're going to be a dad or are a father of adult children...it's never too late to do the work to change your story. You have the power to change the direction of your entire family in one generation. The ways of being you were given do not need to name you or be passed on by you. You have permission to pass on what is beneficial and abandon what is not.  

Value 4: United by One goal

Healthy community is made of a diverse group of men who share one goal: to help as many as possible become the best fathers they can be. We reject the cultural narrative that we are 'safest' when surrounded by those exactly like us. Our strength is found when we keep the main the goal, the main goal.

Every Dad Project has no affiliation, support from, or agenda connected to any religious organization or political party. Accepting our community values means you agree to focus solely on our main objective.