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Some of the articles below are videos with the transcript of the videos included. Other posts are thoughts on all things fatherhood. Enjoy!

The Biggest Reason You Get Triggered By Your Kids

By Justin Powell

  [Video Transcript] Have you ever wondered why your kids trigger you the way that they do? I know that I do. I know that there are definitely some times when my kids do something, and it especially pisses me off. Like there are things that my kids do that upset me, right? One of my kids rode their bikes into my neighbor’s car, cost me $800 to have their car fixed. That was upsetting. But you know, that just comes and goes; stuff like that happens. But there are times where my kids do stuff that especially irritate me, and I think that I know why. It’s not something that I really like to admit, but the reason that my kids piss me off more…

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